class SyntaxTree::YARV::SeaOfNodes
A sea of nodes is an intermediate representation used by a compiler to represent both control and data flow in the same graph. The way we use it allows us to have the vertices of the graph represent either an instruction in the instruction sequence or a synthesized node that we add to the graph. The edges of the graph represent either control flow or data flow.
Public Class Methods
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# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/sea_of_nodes.rb, line 529 def self.compile(dfg) end
new(dfg, nodes, local_graphs)
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# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/sea_of_nodes.rb, line 462 def initialize(dfg, nodes, local_graphs) @dfg = dfg @nodes = nodes @local_graphs = local_graphs end
Public Instance Methods
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# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/sea_of_nodes.rb, line 468 def to_mermaid Mermaid.flowchart do |flowchart| nodes.each do |node| flowchart.node("node_#{}", node.label, shape: :rounded) end nodes.each do |producer| producer.outputs.each do |consumer_edge| label = if !consumer_edge.label # No label. elsif # Edges into phi nodes are labelled by the offset of the # instruction going into the merge. "%04d" % consumer_edge.label else consumer_edge.label.to_s end flowchart.fetch("node_#{}"), flowchart.fetch("node_#{}"), label, type: consumer_edge.type == :info ? :dotted : :directed, color: { data: :green, control: :red }[consumer_edge.type] ) end end end end
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# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/sea_of_nodes.rb, line 499 def verify # Verify edge labels. nodes.each do |node| # Not talking about phi nodes right now. next if node.is_a?(PhiNode) if node.is_a?(InsnNode) && node.insn.branch_targets.any? && !node.insn.is_a?(Leave) # A branching node must have at least one branch edge and # potentially a fallthrough edge coming out. labels = raise if labels[0] != :branch0 raise if labels[1] != :fallthrough && labels.size > 2 else labels = node.inputs.filter { |e| e.type == :data }.map(&:label) next if labels.empty? # No nil labels raise if labels.any?(&:nil?) # Labels should start at zero. raise unless # Labels should be contiguous. raise unless labels.sort == (labels.min..labels.max).to_a end end end