class SyntaxTree::YARV::SetLocal
### Summary
‘setlocal` sets the value of a local variable on a frame determined by the level and index arguments. The level is the number of frames back to look and the index is the index in the local table. It pops the value it is setting off the stack.
### Usage
~~~ruby value = 5 tap { tap { value = 10 } } ~~~
Public Class Methods
new(index, level)
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5173 def initialize(index, level) @index = index @level = level end
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5192 def ==(other) other.is_a?(SetLocal) && other.index == index && other.level == level end
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5204 def call(vm) vm.local_set(index, level, vm.pop) end
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5188 def deconstruct_keys(_keys) { index: index, level: level } end
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5178 def disasm(fmt) fmt.instruction("setlocal", [fmt.local(index, explicit: level)]) end
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5196 def length 3 end
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5200 def pops 1 end
click to toggle source
# File lib/syntax_tree/yarv/instructions.rb, line 5182 def to_a(iseq) current = iseq level.times { current = current.parent_iseq } [:setlocal, current.local_table.offset(index), level] end