# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file’s purpose is to extract the examples from the whitequark/parser # gem and generate a test file that we can use to ensure that our parser # generates equivalent syntax trees when translating. To do this, it runs the # parser’s test suite but overrides the ‘assert_parses` method to collect the # examples into a hash. Then, it writes out the hash to a file that we can use # to generate our own tests. # # To run the test suite, it’s important to note that we have to mirror both any # APIs provided to the test suite (for example the ParseHelper module below). # This is obviously relatively brittle, but it’s effective for now.
require “ast”
module ParseHelper
# This object is going to collect all of the examples from the parser gem into # a hash that we can use to generate our own tests. COLLECTED = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } include AST::Sexp ALL_VERSIONS = %w[3.1 3.2] private def assert_context(*) end def assert_diagnoses(*) end def assert_diagnoses_many(*) end def refute_diagnoses(*) end def with_versions(*) end def assert_parses(_ast, code, _source_maps = "", versions = ALL_VERSIONS) # We're going to skip any examples that are for older Ruby versions # that we do not support. return if (versions & %w[3.1 3.2]).empty? entry = caller.find { _1.include?("test_parser.rb") } _, lineno, name = *entry.match(/(\d+):in `(.+)'/) COLLECTED["#{name}:#{lineno}"] << code end
namespace :extract do
desc "Extract the whitequark/parser tests" task :whitequark do directory = File.expand_path("../tmp/parser", __dir__) unless File.directory?(directory) sh "git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/whitequark/parser #{directory}" end mkdir_p "#{directory}/extract" touch "#{directory}/extract/helper.rb" touch "#{directory}/extract/parse_helper.rb" touch "#{directory}/extract/extracted.txt" $:.unshift "#{directory}/extract" require "parser/current" require "minitest/autorun" require_relative "#{directory}/test/test_parser" Minitest.after_run do filepath = File.expand_path("../test/translation/parser.txt", __dir__) File.open(filepath, "w") do |file| ParseHelper::COLLECTED.sort.each do |(key, codes)| if codes.length == 1 file.puts("!!! #{key}\n#{codes.first}") else codes.each_with_index do |code, index| file.puts("!!! #{key}:#{index}\n#{code}") end end end end end end